Abbey Street Hostel
Planning permission has been granted by An Bord Pleanála for a 634-bed hostel at 35-36 Abbey Street Upper and Abbey Cottages, Dublin.
The 5,355 sq. metre scheme will include the demolition of the existing buildings on site and the construction of a nine-storey tourism hostel comprising 634 beds with dining facilities, café, bar, reception area and meeting rooms.
HKR Architects, Abbey Limited and McGill Planning lodged an appeal when the previous application was refused by Dublin City Council in July 2017.
An Bord Pleanála overturned the previous ruling, citing ‘the proposed hostel will contribute positively to the animation of the area and will provide an active use in itself.’ It also stated that ‘in line with the Dublin City Development Plan 2016-2022, the scheme demonstrates a positive response to context and architectural form and detailing contributes positively to the character and appearance of the area.’
The façade composition and mix of materials creates an interesting and playful frontage in keeping with the street conditions on Abbey Street Upper.
“We are delighted to be given the go-ahead for this new 634 bed hostel in the heart of Dublin City Centre. The permission granted has a plot area ratio of 9. This level of density represents the optimisation of site value, something HKR prides itself on achieving for all of our schemes.”
Kola Ojeyomi, Director of HKR Architects
Location: Dublin
Sector: Hostel, Leisure
Size: 5,355 sqm, 634 beds
Client: Clink Hostels